November 20, 2008

How To Rename the Apache Service

If you wrote a program or had software that refered an Apache Service Name other than Apache2.2 than this article is for you. Since the release of Apache 2.2, the Apache Service name is now Apache2.2. This caused a problem with a program I use to Stop and Start my Apache and MySQL where I accessed the service by the Service Name. To fix this, you will need to do the following:
Open a Command Prompt (START-> RUN -> type cmd -> [ok])
  1. Navigate to where you installed Apache and drill down into the \bin directory (On my PC, I would type -> cd C:\Apache\Apache2.2\bin)
  2. Once you are in the \bin directory, type httpd.exe -k uninstall (you have to uninstall to rename it)
  3. Then type httpd.exe -k install -n [Your New Service Name Goes Here]

That's it! Your program should now work properly.

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