NOTE: MySQL is a free database for Personal use and Businesses to manage their OWN applications. If you are looking for a free database to distribute with your application, try using PostgreSQL.
Download MySQL Server
If you have installed the latest version of Apache and PHP, you might as well install the latest MySQL Server. The MySQL Server is the actual Engine that drives your database. At the time of this writing, MySQL 5.0 was the latest. Create a Folder on your desktop to store and organize the following files. There is always going to be Beta and Development releases. Ignore those and download the stable release. Go to and download the latest stable version of MySQL Community Server. In the Windows Download section, select the Windows Essentials package and then Right Click Download and Save Target As or click Pick a Mirror. On the following page to Pick a Mirror, select No thanks, just take me to the downloads and pick the closest location near you and click the HTTP or FTP link to download. When the window pops up, choose to save the file to your folder on your desktop.
Download MySQL GUI Tools
The MySQL GUI Tools are the utility tools that you are going to use to Manage your databases and view your tables. Go to to download the latest set of tools to your desktop.
Download MySQL Connector (optional)
You will need to download the MySQL Connector if you are planning on connecting to MySQL through a ODBC connection. You don't need this with PHP if you loaded the php_mysql.dll extension in the php.ini file.
Download MySQL Workbench (optional)
The MySQL Workbench is a great GUI tool for planning and setting up your databases and the tables that reside within.
Installing MySQL 5
NOTE: If you already have an older version of MySQL installed, it is always a good idea to back your databases up before installing the new version. In fact, your should always backup your databases on a regular basis. This can be scheduled in the MySQL Administrator.
- Double click on the downloaded MySQL-Essential MSI installer.
- The setup wizard will startup and on the second window, you will see the Setup Types. Choose CUSTOM if you want to change the install directory and then click next. Through all of my walkthroughs, I install my programs the C:\ Root and I will continue here.
- Change the Install Directory to D:\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\ and click next and finish the installation.
- When given the option to Configure theMySQL Server Now, leave the option selected and click finish.
MySQL Configuration
If you unchecked the box at the end of the installation or you need to access the Configuration Wizard at a later date, go to C:\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin and click on MySQLInstanceConfig.exe
- Select Detailed Configuration - Take the time to read through the different options available. This will help to setup the best optimal setup possible for you. If you are unsure of what to pick, just leave the default selection selected and click next. Remember that you can always change your mind later and revisit this Configuration Wizard.
- Root Password - The word 'root' refers to the default administrator user. Setup this password to whatever you wish but make sure it is one that you will remember. You need 'root' to get you started later. If you decide to Enable root access from remote machines, PC's on your network will be able to access your MySQL databases with the user name root and the password you set for root.
- Click Next and then click Execute to start the configuration. If for some reason the security settings do not take effect, you will need to close the window and reopen the Configuration Wizard and Reconfigure the Server.
Installing MySQL GUI Tools
- Double click on the MySQL GUI Tools MSI and run through the setup wizard.
- Change the install directory to C:\MySQL\MySQL Tools for 5.0\
- Select to do the Complete Setup
MySQL Tools
After you install these tools, you should be able to access them through START->Programs->MySQL. If not, you can create shortcuts from where you installed them.
- MySQL Administrator - This utility is what you will use to setup users, databases and other Administrative functions you will need to do.
- MySQL Query Browser - The query browser is what you will use to view your databases and their tables.
- MySQL Migration Toolkit - Use this tool to migrate existing databases from various vendors to MySQL Databases.
- MySQL System Tray Monitor - You may want to use this tool while you are working on your databases to help monitor resource activity